Wing of Glory - Reggiane RE. 2001 CN Falco II

Wing of Glory - Reggiane RE. 2001 CN Falco II

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Publisher Blurb:

The Reggiane Re.2001 Falco II was an Italian fighter aircraft. With its flexible design, it proved to be able to undertake a number of roles, from convoy escort to night fighter. Thanks to its maneuverability, it could dogfight with more powerful opponents like the British Supermarine Spitfire. Designed to be used with the popular air combat game system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia, each WW2 Wings of Glory Airplane Pack is a ready-to-play model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible with any other WW2 Wings of Glory game product. In each pack you will find all you need to play with the airplane: a special base with gaming stats, a variable altitude flying stand, and a specific deck of maneuver cards. This is not a complete game. You must own a WW2 Wings of Glory - Starter Set to play.

Aviation / Flight, Miniatures Game, World-War II, Wargame, Expansion for base-game
maximum 15 min.
Game Mechanics
Simulation, Simultaneous Action Selection
Number of players
8, 9, 10 or more, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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