Kemet Ta-Seti - Promo Bicolor Powers

Kemet - Promo New Powers

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3 new power tiles originally distributed as promo items during Essen 2015.

Contains the following gaming material:

1 blue power tile:
- Protective aura: ignore any damage outside of combat

1 red power tile:
- Night Expedition: one priest can move to the next location on the path to Ta-Seti during the night phase, without benefit from the bonuses between the locations nor taking any object or skills token on the location

1 white power tile:
- Reminiscence: At the end of battle, if the opponent has played at least one DI card, you may take one of them in your hand

Note: "Kemet: Ta-Seti" expansion is required in order to use these new power tiles

Miniatures Game, Expansion for base-game, Fighting, Ancient , Mythology
90+ min.
Game Mechanics
Card Drafting, Campaign / Battle Card Driven, Area Movement, Area Control / Area Influence
Number of players
4, 3, 2, 5
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